• 306-525-8171
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Curl For Kids

What is it? 

A season long program designed for beginner curlers, ages 9 - 13, wanting to start a new sport, and intermediate curlers who want some extra ice time to practice their skills

Weekly instructor lead sessions ensure our curlers are safe and learning skills, while also having fun! Sessions are on Sundays from 1:00 - 2:30 pm.

During the course of the season (October - March), participants will learn rules of the game, curling ettiquette, and of course, the mechanics and physical skills it takes to become a pro curler in no time!

 Each class, curlers will work on fundamental skills, including:

  • Sliding and rock delivery
  • Sweeping
  • Strategy
  • Game Play
  • Team work
  • Sportsmanship

What Do I Need to Bring?

Just yourself... and some clean running shoes!

The Callie has free broom and slider rentals for all our curlers.

We do recommend that the Curlers come prepared for the elements, though. We suggest stretchy pants (sweat pants, leggings, exercise pants, etc.) and warm clothing. Helmets are not required, however they are strongly recommended!

What's in it for New Curlers?

New curlers have the opportunity to meet other kids their age, learn hand eye coordination and balance skills, as well as understand the importance of sportsmanship, team work, and fair play.

What's in it for Returning Curlers?

Returning curlers understand the basics, so this is a great opportunity for them to fine tune their skills, with instruction and feedback from our instructors. This is also a great chance for those who are looking to be more competitive to meet other curles their age.

Curl for Kids is a great supplement to Curl Regina's Youth League, as they can apply what they learn to real game situations and use their knowledge and skills independantly.


Contact us for more information and to register today!

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League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Caledonian Curling Club
2225 Sandra Schmirler Way
Regina SK S4W 1B6

Phone: 525-8171


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About our Club

The Caledonian Curling Club has been one of the most prominent curling rinks in Canada for many years. The club was established on October 14, 1915.

Since its beginning so many years ago, the club has harboured many provincial, national, and even Olympic champions.  Read more ...


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